Grooming & Handling
Washing / Bathing
Juvenile kittens should be able to keep themselves reasonably clean. Sometimes you may need to give them a little help, particularly long-haired kittens around their face and bottom. This can be done using warm soapy water and a well wrung face washer. Alternatively, fragrance-free baby wipes or pet wipes can be used.
We do not want kittens to be bathed unless necessary but if this is required an appropriate pet shampoo should be used. Kittens should not be bathed late at night or on very cold days.
Bathe kittens in a small tub with warm water, keeping the kitten always secure. Only wet the areas that require cleaning. Thoroughly dry the kitten with a towel and ensure it is kept in a warm place and away from drafts. Some kittens will tolerate a hairdryer, but most are scared by the noise. A heat pad will help to keep them warm.
A small soft brush can be used for grooming and is a good inclusion to your daily routines. For young kittens use a soft brush, not a wired brush.
For older cats, a wired cat brush may be used, just ensure it has the protective plastic on the ends.
Long hair cats will require daily brushing to avoid matting and skin lesions.
Nail Trimming
Washing / Bathing
Juvenile kittens should be able to keep themselves reasonably clean. Sometimes you may need to give them a little help, particularly long-haired kittens around their face and bottom. This can be done using warm soapy water and a well wrung face washer. Alternatively, fragrance-free baby wipes or pet wipes can be used.
We do not want kittens to be bathed unless necessary but if this is required an appropriate pet shampoo should be used. Kittens should not be bathed late at night or on very cold days.
Bathe kittens in a small tub with warm water, keeping the kitten always secure. Only wet the areas that require cleaning. Thoroughly dry the kitten with a towel and ensure it is kept in a warm place and away from drafts. Some kittens will tolerate a hairdryer, but most are scared by the noise. A heat pad will help to keep them warm.
A small soft brush can be used for grooming and is a good inclusion to your daily routines. For young kittens use a soft brush, not a wired brush.
For older cats, a wired cat brush may be used, just ensure it has the protective plastic on the ends.
Long hair cats will require daily brushing to avoid matting and skin lesions.
Nail Trimming
Do not trim nails until kittens are about 8 weeks old and you can see the kitten quick - make sure you do not go near the quick. If you are not confident do not trim. You can get younger kittens prepped for nail trimming by gentling massaging their pads and claws.
You may need to burrito wrap your kittens/cats to contain them when you do this.
Last updated