Emergency Medical

A medical emergency is when your kitten/cat has

  • Difficulty breathing

  • Significant pain

  • Experienced a traumatic injury

  • Fading Kitten Syndrome

  • Lethargy/inability to wake

  • Severe Diarrhea

  • Bleeding

Who To Contact?

FFARQ Medical Advisor Crystal (0421884035) or FFARQ President Minnie (0423088558).

IF neither is available, post on the FFARQ Forum or contact your Foster CarerCoordinator.

Business Hours

Once you have approval, make an appointment with the closest FFARQ approved vet surgery - letting them know that this is an emergency and that FFARQ will send an email confirming approval for the visit.

After Hours & Weekends

Some vets will not be open during nights, or over weekends, however you may be concerned that your cat or kitten needs immediate veterinary care.


If you are unsure whether the situation is an emergency, contact your Coordinator. They will be able to provide recommendations on the seriousness of the situation. If you are certain that there is an emergency situation (see above), text FFARQ Medical Advisor Crystal (0421884035) or FFARQ President Minnie (0423088558)

Last updated