Cleaning - Vacuuming
Cleaning is now your new best friend.
DO NOT use a broom, a broom will actually move the ringworm spores around and make it hard for you to clean.
Emptying the Vacuum
When you have finished vacuuming the entire house, take the vacuum outside with a plastic garbage bag ready to empty.
If you have a bagless vacuum, empty directly into the plastic bag and use F10 disinfectant spray to clean the vacuum container.
If your vacuum is a bag style, remove the bag and place it gently in the plastic garbage bag.
Cleaning the vacuum
Use F10 disinfectant to clean the vacuum, including the head of the vacuum, to kill the spores on the bristles of the vacuum.
Spray the hose part of the vacuum and inside the container for bagless, and around the vent areas that blow out the back.
If you have a HEPA filter, you can also remove and spray with F10
LEAVE THE F10 ON - for a minimum of 10 minutes.
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